College & Career Lab

Igniting Passions.

Exploring Pathways.

Reimagining Futures.

Our Program

The College & Career Lab is a tuition-free, six-year program offered as a multi-week intensive workshop during the summer and Practice Lab sessions during the academic year to prepare students to succeed in their post-secondary education and career paths.

We offer New York City middle and high school students the opportunity to explore a variety of academic pathways and “try on” careers. Through two stages, Exploratory and Immersive, CCL scholars dive into college-style lectures and workshops led by New York University faculty, on subjects ranging from neuroscience to philosophy and everything in between. Scholars network with industry professionals and get to experience what it would be like to be an immigration lawyer, physical therapist, game designer, and more. Through each stage and Practice Lab, students receive introductory courses, mentorship, advising, and a specialized CCL curriculum to enhance soft skills and prepare for the college application or career entry process.

Admission to program

Students are admitted to CCL during the Exploratory Stage. Afterward, those who have previously parti­ci­­pat­ed in the Exploratory Stage are invited to join the Immersive Stage for specialized courses and prepara­tion during their high school career.

Rising 8th & 9th graders

Exploratory Stage
Immersive Stage

Students are not permitted to join the Immersive Stage without completing at least one year in the Exploratory Stage.


The Exploratory Stage introduces rising 8th- and 9th-grade students to college-level subjects offered at each NYU school or college and allows students to “try on” careers through experiential learning for four weeks in the summer. Each summer component is connected through year-round Practice Labs, honing skills for use in the real world.


The Immersive Stage provides rising 10th-grade to post–high school students a deep dive into subject areas across schools and colleges at NYU through a two- or three-week experience encompassing introductory college courses, internship opportunities, and further hands-on career exploration. CCL scholars continue participating in Practice Labs as they did in the Exploratory Stage.

See our students