CCL Exploratory Stage application

Application instructions

This application is for new College & Career Lab students who have not participated in the program. If you are a returning Exploratory student, please fill out the Returner Enrollment Form instead. Students will be notified in May if they are admitted to the program.

This application must be completed in one sitting. You cannot save your work and return to it later; if you navigate away from this page, you will have to start the application again. Once you click submit, the application may take up to 60 seconds to be submitted. Do not navigate away from the page.

Please ensure that students are completing the form. Assistance from parents or guardians, teachers, program providers, or other adults supporting the student is allowed, but all work must be done by the students. If using ChatGPT, an acknowledgment must be provided as to why and how the platform was used.

If you experience difficulties completing the application due to access to an email address or phone number, or you are unsure how to answer some of the questions, please email us.

Registration is no longer available because the registration deadline has passed.